HPAC 2021: Our Inaugural Monthly Quiz

The heating, piping, and air conditioning industry has been a fixture of ‘civilized’ life on Planet Earth for well over a century, and the focus of this venerable publication since 1929. The inventive and problem-solving work of engineers, manufacturers, and building owners have continuously helped to expand the impact of the HVACR industry beyond creature comforts and food and data storage to life and death issues like greenhouse gas reductions and, especially today, virus mitigation.

With all that in mind, as we kick off this new decade, HPAC Engineering here welcomes you to join us on what we hope will be a fun monthly ride through the milestones, innovations, people, places, and products that have come to define this industry. Hopefully, there may even be a chuckle or two along the way. So, here goes...

Photo credit: Lennox.com