B. Mobile, two-way video makes it easy for new employees to tap the expertise of veteran colleagues when they’re at separate job sites.
C. Remote coaching flattens the learning curve for new employees, so they’re more likely to stick with their choice of career and employer.
A. It maximizes customer satisfaction because dispatchers, supervisors and other managers know which employee skill sets and specialized equipment are closest to each job site.
B. It helps minimize expensive overtime, saving money that you can use for raises and higher starting pay—two of the top factors that attract and retain skilled millennials.
C. When employees don’t frequently and unexpectedly stay late, it helps achieve the work-life balance that millennials say is one of their most valued career goals.
A. It helps avoid breakdowns that could force them to stay late, undermining the work-life balance they say is a top priority.
B. By preventing expensive damage, it saves money that you can use for raises and higher starting pay to attract and retain skilled millennials.
C. They’re typically unaware technology exists to remotely monitor fluid levels, drivetrain temperatures and more.
A. They recognize that it can provide evidence in case of an accident.
B. They understand that it can alert a fleet manager if help is needed, so they’ll spend less time waiting.
C. Most of them have GPS in their personal vehicle, and some have chosen to add a dash cam.