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A leader in optical technology, OptaSense from Luna Innovations provides unique capabilities in high-performance distributed fiber optic-based sensing – delivering real-time, actionable intelligence that promotes cost savings by increasing operational efficiency, maximizing productivity, and reducing risk.
In this exclusive Industry Influencer Q&A sponsored by Luna, Dane Langen, Global Segment Lead for Security and Safety with the Luna System Solutions Group, explains how fiber optics can be an integral part of a perimeter security and monitoring strategy.
Langen: The Luna Innovations fiber optic sensing system utilizes a strand of standard telecommunications fiber, installed along the perimeter of an asset, to continuously monitor and detect any unwanted activity. Instead of simply providing an alarm, the system can detect, classify, and precisely locate people, vehicle movement, low flying aircraft, manual and mechanical digging, tunneling, gunfire and many others.
Our Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing (DFOS) solution replaces thousands of individual sensors – one technology, one solution, one user interface. It utilizes an Interrogator Unit to send laser pulses down the length of the fiber. Tiny imperfections in the fiber cause the light beam to scatter and reflect to the source. The Interrogator Unit reconstructs signals detected from the backscattered light along the fiber, in effect, creating a series of points along the entire length of the fiber. Signal processing software is used to analyze these signals in real time. Advanced analytics and machine learning detects and classifies multiple targets and behaviors of interest all simultaneously.
The fiber optic solution has a wide array of security applications, including utilities, industrial facilities, roads and rail, bridges, airports, data centers, critical infrastructure, and borders.
"This security solution, when implemented for linear or perimeter detection, can also be utilized to provide additional awareness that operations or facilities users find valuable."
– Dane Langen, Global Segment Lead for Security and Safety
Unlike conventional buried sensors, our system significantly reduces nuisance alarms using reliable algorithms that decipher and classify the type of intrusion in real time. Users are notified of alarms through a user interface that includes a map overlay, alarm panel and raw data. Alerts can also be sent by text or email. By leveraging GPS coordinates, the system pinpoints the location of a security breach within seconds. With this information, asset owners can increase the effectiveness of alarm responses by ensuring manual inspection through patrol or reconnaissance is focused on areas of actual activity.
When working in tandem with other physical access components, the system can assist security teams, track unauthorized activity and alert asset owners of any potentially malicious actors approaching infrastructure. We’re able to shorten the time between the security breach and the response. That time savings is what security managers are looking for in a monitoring system.
Installation is a simple process. The fiber can be mounted on a fence or buried. When the system is mounted on a fence, it can detect activity like climbing or forced entry. A buried fiber is capable of providing early warning detection and classification of a threat approaching the fiber. Many of our customers have chosen a hybrid installation with both fence-mounted and buried fiber. This provides dual monitoring zones for higher overall probability of detection. Because the fiber has no moving parts, no certification is required for installation, and no hardware or power is required in the field. All of the electronics for the system are indoors in a secured, controlled environment so it’s not susceptible to any electromagnetic or radio interference.
This security solution, when implemented for linear or perimeter detection, can also be utilized to provide additional awareness that operations or facilities users find valuable. Applications such as power cable health, pipeline leak, traffic congestion, rail line safety, dam or levee monitoring and geotechnical energy can be turned on with a toggle.
The system delivers high confidence edge alerting from a custom-built solution. With decades of continuous algorithm development and a vast database of detector settings, the solutions are custom tuned by hand and thereafter utilize machine learning to enhance probability of detection over time. Each solution is a bespoke deployment engineered using a Design Basis Threat (DBT) technique, or understanding the capabilities of successful intrusion or threat by the ‘bad guy.’ This design approach is used for all our applications, even those outside of security and safety.
This high confidence system can then integrate into one or multiple CCTV, Video Management Software (VMS) system, Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) system or other sensor aggregator system queuing cameras, assessment tools, SCADA or other command and control systems. The system is software based, allowing easy alterations to perimeter adjustments and/ or changes to the zones being monitored.
Many of the systems in place today can be easily bypassed or fail to provide rapid, reliable alerts. This leaves valuable assets vulnerable to attack, resulting in financial loss or even worse, personnel injury or loss of life. Unlike conventional systems, The Luna Innovations fiber optic-based security solutions provide multi-threat detection, significantly reduced false alarms, with a multi-domain and cost-effective installation.