Essential Considerations for Buying the Right Truck Scale
for Your Weighing Operation

As with any large-scale purchase, the relative questions to pose when evaluating truck scales are very important:

  • What kind of truck scale is right for me?
  • What are the requirements and environment that must be addressed for the application?
  • Which options would be most beneficial for the application in question?
  • Which type of construction would be best for the environment the truck scale would be used in?
  • Should the truck scale be installed in a pit that is flush mount with the road or include ramps and be installed above ground?
  • Which technological advancements will pose the best advantage for my application?

All of these questions must be taken into serious consideration to extend truck scale longevity, maintain functionality, decrease downtime, and maximize the return on your investment.

Download this guide for an analysis of the strengths and limitations of options available on the market today and which weighing technologies are the most appropriate in a given environment.