Questions that are not meant to include a single correct answer option and are not looking to determine a specific group or need that the participant should align with. No results or scoring are to be shared with the participant in this instance.
Questions that all have a single correct answer option assigned to them, with all other choices being declared as incorrect. A score will be determined based on the number of questions the participant answers correctly.
Questions that don’t include definite correct or incorrect answers, but instead serve to determine a specific category (persona) that the participant closely aligns with. Upon completing the final question the participant will see a result sharing the category they fit into.
None of these options work for my client.
No, the client is just looking for the participant to provide their insight. No scoring is intended to be shared with the participant.
Yes, they that want all questions to have a single correct answer. A score will be determined based on the number of questions the participant answers correctly.
Yes, they want to use scoring to determine a specific category (persona) that the participant closely aligns with. The participant will be given a result sharing the category they best fit into.
None of these options work for my client.
No, the client is just looking for the participant to provide their insight. No results are intended to be shared with the participant.
Yes, the client wants to share a score based on the questions the participant correctly answered. The results would also compare the answer the participant chose with the correct answer and provide an explanation for the correct answer.
Yes, they want to share the specific category (persona) that the participant closely aligns with, based on the answer options the participant selected.
None of these options work for my client.
No, the client is just looking for the participant to provide their insight. No results are intended to be shared with the participant.
Yes, the client wants to share a score based on the questions the participant correctly answered. The results would also compare the answer the participant chose with the correct answer and provide an explanation for the correct answer.
Yes, they want to share the specific category (persona) that the participant closely aligns with, based on the answer options the participant selected.
None of these options work for my client.
They would prefer an option with up to 7 questions, but do not wish to incorporate a results panel.
3-5 questions with a result panel is preferred.
5-7 questions with a result panel is preferred.
None of these options work for my client.
The client wants to keep things simple. They only want to provide questions and answer options, no scoring or result details.
The client is willing to provide questions, up to 5 answer options for each question, an indication of correct answers, and an explanation for each correct answer.
The client is willing to provide questions, up to 4 persona categories with supporting persona descriptions, a value for each persona, (persona 1=lowest, persona 2=low, persona 3=medium, 4 persona=high), and up to 4 answer options for all questions to be presented, that would represent each persona.
None of these options work for my client.
There can be up to 5 choices. No option is meant to be correct or incorrect. Options are not meant to be assigned to any categories or personas. Multiple options can be selected if indicated by the client.
There is to be one correct choice. All other choices are to be incorrect. There can be up to 5 options for each question. Multiple options cannot be selected.
There is to be 3 choices per question, one to be assigned to each persona. Multiple options cannot be selected.
None of these options work for my client.